Showing 33–48 of 154 results
1956 Sc 1774-1775 Communist Party of the Soviet Union Scott 1797-1798
$14.00 Select options -
1957 Sc 2004-2006 Bicentenary of Academy of Arts Scott 2018-2020
$1.50 – $15.00 Select options -
1957 Sc 2007 40th Anniversary of Ukrainian SSR Scott 2022
$0.80 – $4.00 Select options -
1959 Sc 2274 Exhibition of achievements of a national economy Scott 2236
$0.35 – $4.00 Select options -
1959 Sc 2292-2293 Hungarian National Republic. Scott 2268-2269
$0.60 – $1.25 Select options -
1960 Sc 2323 To the 15 anniversary of liberation of Hungary Soviet Army. Scott 2308
$1.75 Select options -
1960 Sc 2333-2334 15 anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic. Scott 2319-2320
$1.00 – $5.00 Select options -
1960 Sc 2407. 40 anniversary Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. Scott 2394
$0.60 Select options -
1961 SC 2460. Shevchenko sculptural monument. Scott 2451
$0.80 Select options -
1961 SC 2500 Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Scott 2447
$0.80 – $30.00 Select options -
1961 SC 2504. 40 anniversary of the Mongolian national revolution. Scott 2506
$0.80 Select options -
1961 SC 2553-2555. 250th anniversary of the birth of M.V.Lomonosov. Scott 2544-2546
$3.00 Select options -
1962 Sc 2592. Monument to Karl Marx. Scott 2590
$0.80 Select options -
1962 Sc 2675-2676. Glory to subjugators of space! Scott 2630-2631
$1.00 – $6.00 Select options -
1962 Sc 2677 Full sheet. Glory to subjugators of space! Scott 2630
$20.00 Add to cart