Showing 97–112 of 178 results
1955 Sc 1722-1724 85th Birth Anniversary of Vladimir Lenin Scott 1753-1755
$2.00 – $10.00 Select options -
1955 Sc 1752 Vladimir Lenin Scott 1761
$2.50 – $6.00 Select options -
1955 Sc 1752-1754 Great October Revolution Scott 1761-1763
$20.00 Select options -
1957 Sc 1921-1923 V. I. Lenin Scott 1933-1935
$9.00 Select options -
1958 Sc 2022A Rosa Luxemburg Scott 2028
$17.00 Select options -
1958 Sc 2058-2060 140th Anniversary of the birth of Marx Scott 2056-2058
$4.00 Select options -
1960 Sc 2308 75 anniversary since birth to M.V.Frunza. Scott 2295
$0.50 – $2.50 Select options -
1960 Sc 2338 70 anniversary since the birth of Ya.M.Sverdlov. Scott 2324
$0.75 – $4.00 Select options -
1961 SC 2487. Memory of Patrice Lumumba. Scott 2486
$0.45 – $2.00 Select options -
1962 Sc 2647. 85 anniversary since the birth of F.E.Dzerzhinsky. Scott 2634
$0.60 – $3.00 Select options -
1963 Sc 2741. 75 anniversary since the birth of V.E.Kingisepp. Scott 2718
$1.00 Select options -
1963 Sc 2850. 90 anniversary since the birth of Yu.M.Steklov. Scott 2815
$0.50 Select options -
1963 Sc 2883. 80 anniversary since the birth of Artem (F.A.Sergeev). Scott 2838
$0.45 Select options -
1964 Sc 2932-2935 Rocket Construction Pioneers Scott 2885-2888
$3.00 Add to cart -
1964 Sc 2939II 94th Birth Anniversary of V.I.Lenin Scott 2890
$2.00 Select options -
1964 Sc 3002 Full sheet. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Scott 2931
$12.00 Add to cart