Animals (Fauna)
Showing 49–64 of 228 results
1951 Sc 1511-1512 Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic Scott 1539-1540
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1956 Sc 1764 International Horse Races Scott 1789
$9.00 Select options -
1956 Sc 1764-1766 International Horse Races in Moscow Scott 1789-1791
$25.00 Select options -
1956 Sc 1765 International Horse Races Scott 1790
$15.00 Select options -
1956 Sc 1766 International Horse Races Scott 1791
$9.00 Select options -
1956 Sc 1852 Cow herd on a pasture Scott 1873
$3.50 Select options -
1957 Sc 1893-1899 6th World Youth Festival Scott 1913-1914, 1936-1940
$4.50 Select options -
1957 Sc 1900-1904 World Youth Festival Scott 1936-1940
$150.00 Select options -
1957 Sc 1906-1913 Fauna of USSR Scott 1916-1923
$15.00 Select options -
1957 Sc 1966-1967 International Letter Writing Week Scott 1985-1986
$1.50 – $8.00 Select options -
1958 Sc 2158 1500th Anniversary of Tbilisi Scott 2119
$1.00 Select options -
1960 Sc 2318 European Hare Scott 2213
$0.50 – $1.45 Select options -
1961 Sc 2447 Siberian Roe Deer Scott 2431
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1964 Sc 2949-2955 Moscow Zoo Centenary Scott 2905imp-2911imp
$7.00 Select options -
1964 Sc 2956-2962 Moscow Zoo, Centary Scott 2905-2911
$15.00 Select options -
1964 Sc 2959 Full sheet. Moose (Alces alces) Scott 2908
$25.00 Add to cart